Welcome to Texas Vortex Storm Chase Team.
On this site you will find a little of everything. We have live radar, live hurricane radar plus you get to see who we are on our team members page and maybe one day you never know you just might run into the team on the road. If you see us please stop by and we would be gladly to talk with you.
Thanks for visiting our site.
Hello and welcome to Texas Vortex Storm Chase Team.
My name is Tommie Carter Jr. and I am a Extreme Storm Chaser of T.V.S.C.T. I started this page because of the work, science and photography I have taken in the past 6 years. I just never imagined I would have taken this so far as to start up a website. The reason I chase storms is to help understand and learn more about how tornadoes are formed. My team will grow bigger with my wife, Karla, myself and other chasers become a team. We will be able to help people know more about storm warnings and watches, etc. Our photography and videos and soon will be able to receive live feed during our chases. Our intentions will be to hopefully build a chase vehicle so we will be able to provide a visual on these storms to come in the future. Thank You for being a part of TVSCT and hope to hear from all of you.